Like all good stories...
...ours started with one tiny idea.
What if we just BROUGHT the books straight to THEM?
That question waffled around in our brains a bit. We had the books (endless books!) and we knew the kids were out there (endless kids!) so we just had to connect the two. We thought of incentives, of clubs and fold out tables, we thought of grocery bags stuffed full and dropped off at local elementary schools...but honestly,
that just felt boring.
Then one hot day in August we thought of ice cream, specifically ice cream trucks and that jingle. What if kids ran to a little book truck the way they run to mouse-shaped vanilla ice cream coated in silky chocolate? What if great books melted all over their hungry little fingers the same way orange creamsicles and firecrackers did?
What if the books WERE the hot summer day treat?
Then, as if the story couldn't get any better, a junky little camper popped up for sale.

A sweet little 1968 Boler camper that seemed to just be asking...begging...SINGING in some main character moment about being meant for something MORE.
Besides some obvious grunt work and possibly hazardous fume inhalation, the rest of the story wrote itself.
Backroad Books was always meant to be, we just helped tow it into fruition.